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big floppy

When your dick hangs low, and it wobbles to and fro, so you can tie it in a knot or tie it in a bow.

My girl loves to play with my big floppy, she smacks it around like its a speed bag.

by Jay dov June 3, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

big floppy donkey doinker

a person who is a total jack ass or just plain asswhole

nate was bein a big floppy donkey doinker yesterday because he got rammed in the ass to hard

by floppy donkey doinker April 26, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Floppy Donkey Dick

1) The large sexual organ a male donkey has

2) A colloquial term for a gentleman's large phallus

3) A variation upon the British game 'Bogies' wherein members of the class/group have to shout 'Big Floppy Donkey Dick' as loudly as possible without either being caught doing so or getting embarresed in the process. The winner is the person who shouts it the loudest.

Jack: (loudly) BIG FLOPPY DONKEY DICK!!!
Teacher: Get out Jack!!
Dave: Ha ha ha...

by Simon Young March 25, 2008

103๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

big floppy donkey dick

Its a phallus. Its most likely large, and quite floppish.
Also, used often do to the manner in which it rolls off the tongue.

I truly desire to be in posession of a big floppy donkey dick. Mines tiny and under-used.

by Big-Floppy-Donkey-Dickless September 30, 2003

367๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

big floppy donkey dick

Just what it sounds like....

"That donkey has a really big, floppy dick!"

by xenowhacker June 3, 2004

134๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

big floppy donkey dick

Insult to someone who is a whore.

You see that slut. She's so nasty she would suck a big floppy donkey dick.

by Amanda Van Valkenburgh December 6, 2005

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Big Floppy Donkey Dick

Is simply why it says a big floppy donkey weiner

Ah big floppy donkey dick there's shit in my salad

by Mr Potato7 May 7, 2015

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