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Backcountry bend over

The backcountry bend over is the act of going off into the backcountry of a mountain while snowboarding or skiing and having sex, bent over a trim trunk. Could also be substituted with against a tree, if a tree is not laying across the ground.

"My girlfriend and I made up a new sex position while we were on a snowboarding trip. It's called the backcountry bend over."

by Tricounty18 November 20, 2015

Backcountry bend over

The act of having sex in the backcountry of any ski resort because waiting is just not an option. It works best over a tree limb that has fallen or a tree truck for support.

My girlfriend and I went for a weekend away for snowboarding, we were able to enjoy the slopes and numerous sex positions including a new one, the backcountry bend over!

by Tricounty18 January 19, 2016