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Bad grades

Something you will always get if you are looking them up right now. These are grades below a certain acceptable level

Edwins: I got 10% in that physics test
Ayanda: you will always get bad grades

by I Am Not An Alien August 2, 2020

Bad Grades

Something you get in school, makes you feel like shit and can even make someone commit suicide. Really Bad, don’t get bad grades

He got bad grades and he was depressed and killed himself so sad.

by SecondClassBsian June 24, 2022

bad grades

To say someone (usually female) has bad grades is a euphemism for saying they have large breasts. For instance, a girl with D's (really bad grades) has really big breasts. You can say the worse the grades someone has, the bigger their breasts.

Did you see the new girls in English class, she had really bad grades!

I've never seen someone with such bad grades!

Have you seen Jessica lately? Her grades have been getting worse and worse.

by PamAnders May 3, 2011

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