Source Code

Bed & Breakfast

When a gay man uses an attractice woman to lure a straight or bi-curious man into a sexual escapade.

So Gary really wanted to bang Betty, and Rick knew it, so he invited them for a little Bed & Breakfast. Next think Gary new He was kissing Betty but Rick's hard dick was about five inches into his anus.

by Buford T Johnson December 17, 2009

36πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Shitting on someones chest

bed and breakfast is Squatting over someone , preferably when they sleep and taking a turd on their chest. When they wake up they have breakfast in bed.

by turd burgalers smell July 27, 2008

17πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Bed and Breakfast

Having a Sandman Sprinkle at night and a Wake and Bake in the morning.

Smoking marijuana at night and getting very high before going to sleep then waking up the next day and smoking more weed and getting very high before getting out of bed.

Me and the guys went on a camping trip and had Bed and Breakfast everyday we were out there.

by The Usual Stranger June 11, 2009

10πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Bed and Breakfast

Code word for Bareback!!

by Luv macheeen April 30, 2003

12πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

iowa bed and breakfast

A place where you stay, that after being drugged you wake up to find your things have been stolen and you may have been raped.

Man, my friend's house that I stayed at the other night turned out to be a real Iowa Bed and Breakfast.

by Mrs. JD May 1, 2016

Baltimore Bed and Breakfast

Performing intercourse from behind while you reach around and shove breakfast pastries in your partner's mouth.

Would you prefer I brought home croissants or donuts for tomorrow morning's Baltimore Bed and Breakfast?

by Sloth14 March 20, 2019

Bed and Breakfast Special

A good way to offer that special someone in bed a nice start to their day. This includes; wrapping a freshly cooked pancake around your dong, which will represent the sausage, then applying a little butter and some syrup on top of it with scrambled eggs on your nuts. Before deliverance, you wrap a bath towel around your waist with Special held underneath it before unveiling the surprise.

Hans: Hey honey, I whipped you up a bed and breakfast special for you.
Maria: Oh you're too kind sweetieβ€” hold on, what's that supposed to be in-between the pancake?
Hans: Some man sausage you're about to get, if you know what I mean.

by Magnumus Dongus April 3, 2018