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While your friend (preferably a guy) is sleeping, aggressively swipe the warm, moist, pungent smelling area between your ball sack and your upper inner thigh with your index finger. Proceed to swipe that same index finger down your sleeping friend's philtrum (the vertical depression between the nose and upper lip). Similar to Vick's Vapo Rub, your friend will inhale this scent all night long.

Being too lazy to perform the Abe Lincoln and not wanting to risk being caught tea bagging Steve, Hayden gave him the less-intrusive, longer-lasting beechnut instead.

by Big Dork Socks March 24, 2010

15👍 29👎

Virginia Beechnut

When you notice a dingle berry while bending you're girl over, and, you pick it off and shove it in her lip like tobacco.

My girlfriend wanted to have sex after she took a dump, so I gave her a Virginia Beechnut.

by Slingblade Wilson February 7, 2018

29👍 2👎