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means to love with great affection; have sexual feelings

i have always bevered you.

by squeaky the great December 8, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for beverage

Hey, pass my bever over this way. Mine's the white russian

by Bungalow Bill November 10, 2001

19๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


The possibility of having a beverage at any time.

What is the possibility of us having a beverage or two?

Sid: What's the beverability today pal?

Shane: There's plenty of beverability today and tonight mate

by adzyp December 30, 2013


To provide a beverage to

Could someone beverate that thirsty man?

by xXOG_YOGSCASTER420Xx December 3, 2018



Beverating, to be relieved of thirst.

To be beverated.
To enjoy beveration.
That was beverating.

"Wow, that juice sure is beverating."
"I can sure be beverated right now."

by Lord Zixx August 17, 2010


The action of providing a beverage or liquid to another person or being for them to drink. Just like food can be fed to someone, drinks can be beverated.

"Did you feed the cows, sonny boy?"
"Yes pa! All five!"
"But did you have enough water to beverate them too?"
"You bet! Still a lot of rain water left from last week."

by rusins December 3, 2018


1. give drink to.
2. supply with liquid.

"did you remember to beverate the cat?"
"a Land Rover beverated by diesel"

by Slur like Pleuris December 3, 2018