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Birthday Bash

An informal British way to say Birthday Party.
Bash meaning party, and bashment meaning a large party.

Rob's having a surprise birthday bash for Kendall next month, and the theme is Drunk Chihuahuas!

by KonTriByuTur July 27, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Bash

The overly excessive amount of facebook notifications one receives on his/her birthday due to mainly people that person never talks to wishing them a happy birthday.

I was trying to creep on Courtney's profile, but she got birthday bashed and I didn't feel like scrolling through all of the wall posts

by Carl from Jimmy Neutron January 26, 2011

64πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Bash

Where friends beat the person with a birthday.

We’re going to Fuchs Quinn up at his birthday bash.

by Obcpanther February 7, 2023

Birthday Bash

To celebrates one's birthday by having intercourse with one's girlfriend or boyfriend.

My girlfriend gave me the best birthday bash last night!

by bnksns April 2, 2009

38πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Bash

The day directly in between two birthdays

"Whose birthday is it? Oh neither of theirs, this is their birthday bash, the day directly in between Austin and Paul's birthdays"

by Fletcher420 March 28, 2020

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Bash

The act during sexual intercourse, when right bfore the male climax he pulls out just before ejaculation. Proceeding to defocate on his partners face and then ejaculate on the feces. Therfor covering the shit with semen looking like a birthday cake or a plethora of other things.

Person 1 = "Hey man totally pulled a fake out when i birthday bashed Lindsey!"

Person 2 = "Radical!!!"

by Demolition Man June 22, 2010

27πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Bash

When you strip down to your "birthday suit" and wack someone in the face with your boner.

Awe dude, how was your sister's birthday bash?
Have you given your lady a birthday bash recently?

by da_jew April 23, 2017

9πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž