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Bitch ass fuck

the biggest cunt you know. you can spot this person by seeing if they say the word swag alot, tuck their shirts in, and repeatedly touches their right asscheek.

Bitch ass fuck: Hey niggas wassup like my swag i was at swag city yesterday.

Nicki: Bitch ass Fuck. (turns and walks away)

by Bitch ass fuck with swag May 24, 2012

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bitch ass fuck.

Bitch ass fuck: being extremly stupid.

E.g: michael doesn't think jade is right for him.
jade then called michael a bitch ass fuck.

by @nicky November 16, 2018

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bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob

a bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob is somebody who sucks big black sweaty ball sack and is probably fucking his mom right now

Chase Russell who goes to frontier academy in greeley colorado who is a bitch-ass-fuck-your mom-dick-gaywad-poser-noob. FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BITCH LOSER COCKSUCKING NOOB POSER ONE DAY I AN GOING TO KILL YOU I AM GOING TO CUT YOUR CHEST OPEN, RIP YOUR RIB CAGE OPEN, EAT YOUR ORGANS, CUT OFF YOUR 1 INCH DICK, FEED IT TO MY DOGS, AND THROW YOUR BODY INTO A WOOD CHIPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Mr. AwesomePOOP IN MAH MOUTH April 8, 2011

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bitch ass pussy fuck boy

A man that likes to be fucked in the ass while another man cums on his face and also like to say "not thinking so" or "oooooooop" and occasionally says " stopppp it"

Wow Abel your a bitch ass pussy fuck boy!

by Yabish?? February 6, 2014

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shit ass bitch ass mother ass fuck her in the ass

A angry phrase that once you start saying, you cant stop saying.

Me: *gets angry*
Also me to myself: Shit ass bitch ass mother ass fuck her in the ass

by sum nigga looking ass February 4, 2022

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piss ass bitch fuck shit

Piss ass bitch fuck shit is something that one says when there in extreme anger or steps on a lego for instance someone touches you one too many times you then tell them to stop and they dont stop then you say the phrase "piss ass bitch fuck shit"

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm piss ass bitch fuck shit

by Nrrjsjdndihrj March 31, 2014

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kiss my ass little cunt ass bitch fuck you

something i saw to zoinky_k

Cool Guy BADSQAD: kiss my ass little cunt ass bitch fuck you

by badsqad September 11, 2020

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