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Bitch Stop

The result of stalling a manual transmission car through poor clutch control. Swedish origin (best said with a Swedish accent).

"Aw man, I got a bitch stop."

by JP Bombadil January 11, 2009

18👍 4👎

bitch stop

When you cannot legally slap or smack your wife like you can in Russia, So instead of doing that all you can do is say BITCH STOP!

Bitch stop arguing with me.

by kev kevo August 12, 2019

bitch stop being such a Lyah

Lyah - Bitch

Basically saying "bitch stop being such a bitch"

Person 1: Pisses and Shits on Person 2's car
Person 2: bitch stop being such a Lyah

by Jerry Smith's Dog November 14, 2021

3👍 19👎