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Black Snake Moan

That one dark thought or memory, that's always there, no matter how hard you try to forget. Comes back when you're feeling low, and escalates your low to a whole new level of dark.

"That voice in my head,

every time I think it's gone,

it comes howling back.

Calls me when I'm ailing,

when I can't find my way home.

Lost in the pines

I calls it the Black Snake Moan." Lazarus Redd

by Pseudonomnomnomnom January 10, 2013

80👍 8👎

Black Snake Moan

The sound a person makes when they have been on the toilet for a long time trying to push out a dry shit after being constipated.

Justins leg shook as he forced out a black snake moan his body sweating profusely as the long hard turd finally splashed into the toilet.

by zenjiedo_68 September 30, 2009

44👍 54👎

black snake moan

The sound of pleasure or pain a person makes when a large black member is inserted into their anus or vagina.

She let out a loud black snake moan as he slowly inserted his engorged black member into her hot wet vagina.

by Forsen August 7, 2007

157👍 112👎