Source Code

Blue Bar

How someone with a lisp doesn’t want to say, β€œrice krispies” so they say blue bar.

Hey you want a (fuck, I can’th thay rithe Krithpy, I have a lisp) BLUE BAR? - Alex Ernst, from that one vine

by alreadyinusebysomeoneelese March 13, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

blue bar

The Blue colored bar that contains six definitions with pictures that lies underneath the regular definitions. If you type a definition in with evil intent, a Middle Eastern country will pop up. If you type a definition in with a badass yet curious way, "Arnold Schwarznegger will pop up.

Nobody knows why the Blue bar exists on UrbanDictionary.com. It is thought that some dude named Chris invented the Blue Bar sometime in 2004 at the University of Arizona as a present for the UD boss himself, Scott Peckham. I can't wait until somebody hacks it and puts new pictures and definitions into it *sigh*

by Da Wizard Of OZ December 14, 2009

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Blue Bars

When a cellphone shows ample bars of service to make a phone call, yet will not transmit or receive.

When a cellphone shows ample bars of service to make a phone call, yet will not transmit or receive, the phone is suffering from "Blue Bars"

by fishless12 December 6, 2011

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

blue bar

bar where gays hang out...

hey you fag.... want some fun.. lets go to a hot blue bar

by dkid November 10, 2005

19πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

blue bar code

A guy who jacks off two guys at once.

That gay guy is in the middle doing a Blue Bar Code on two of his lovers till they both climax

by EricC4 May 13, 2015

399πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

The Blue Oyster Bar

The notorious neighborhood gay biker bar in the Police Academy movies. Known for its rough crowd and famous waltz "El Bimbo" by Bimbo Jet

Cadat Barbara: Is there a party this weekend?

Cadat Mahoney: Yeah. Of course there is. Do you want to come?

Cadat Barbara: No I can't. Ahhh. I just need to know where it is. Sorry to be asking.

Cadat Mahoney: Then why are you asking?

Cadat Barbara: Some people want to know.

Cadat Mahoney: OK. Yeah. It's no big secret. It's at the Blue Oyster Bar on Howell

by El Bimbo October 31, 2010

153πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Blue Oyster Bar

Fictitious gay bar in the "Police Academy" franchise movies, AKA "The best salad bar in town"
Used as recurring prank to lure some innocent victim, who is not aware of the bar nature.

-Where we are going?
-Blue Oyster bar. Mahoney said it's the best salad bar in town.
-Proctor, I don't see a salad bar.
-Look sir. Maybe they serve seafood

by dildo777 September 20, 2018

54πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž