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Blue shirt kid

The secret C.E.O. of Youtube, who understands the Youtube Algorithm better than any other person.

Carl : The people in India hate Pewdiepie.
9 year old : Blue shirt kid understands the algorithms so he doesn't.
Carl : Wow he must be a very cool person.

by Froominator March 19, 2019

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Blue shirt kid

An epic Indian kid who supported PewDiePie in the video "What Do Indians Think Of PewDiePie vs. T-series?". He expresses how it doesn't matter if T-series wins, because he subscribed "for the memes".

He later rises to even greater fame by hosting meme review with blue shirt kid #2.

"so basically (because of) the youtube algorithm..."

-blue shirt kid

by Robbert Blobbert April 8, 2019