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Bone Crusher

Prison slang for a homemade shank designed to maximize blunt force trauma. Usually made from broken pieces of steel and plexiglass with a loop of thread attached to the handle so it can be secured to the wielder without being dropped. These shanks are regularly stored in the toilet so if the inflicted wound isn't lethal, the infection will be.

Aryan barbarian: Pass me that fucking bone crusher brother, that toad down the block has it coming.

by March 29, 2022

Bone Crusher

When someone's dick is so big it could crush your vagina bone

Sorry I had to go you had a bone crusher I couldn't fade it

by TooSassy April 6, 2015

4👍 3👎

bone crusher

A firearm, usually referring to a handgun.

Stay back man, he's got the bone crusher-

by bypassomega April 9, 2007

36👍 20👎

bone crusher

Term used to describe a fat or overweight woman.

Take a look at bone crusher over there!

by Mason April 15, 2003

50👍 31👎

bone crusher

when you make a girl spread eagle so far that you break her legs's

matt gave dana a shattering bone crusher

by b real October 13, 2005

17👍 41👎

bone crusher

Bone crusher or bone crushers is the new word for cleats. like shit kickers for boots. called this beacause if you wear metal spiked cleats to a brwal or to confront someone you goint to crush their bones. this is wats up. use it before everybody and their momma does.

i put on them nike bone crushers to roll on that fool that was talking greasy bout me

by anonomousehouse September 14, 2004

7👍 35👎