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booze hound

One who consumes copious amounts of alcoholic beverages at any given opportunity, whilst being seemingly immune to any nasty side affects. Typically the "life of the party".

Hey look at Billy, I can't believe he's still drinking after such a big one last night! Billy is such a booze hound!

by Gregory B. April 30, 2019

booze hound

1. (n.) Member of a group who has extremely high tolerance with regards to alcohol and rarely succumbs to vomiting. The boozehound is a frequent drinker who is able to consume large quantities while still maintaining social competency. Typically, boozehounds receive the admiration of others for this special talent; however, as a result of this tolerance, the boozehound must develop a fondness for beast. Hobbies include beer pong, shot checkers, and power hour.

2. (n.) He who holds the "drinking title".

Ah man, I really wish the boozehound was here to party with us tonight.”
- “Yeah, I know what you mean. But hey, without him here, we finally have some beer to drink for once.”

“Hey boozehound, how many beers is that for you?”
- “Oh, that’s about my 47th.”

by Greg March 25, 2005

125👍 29👎

booze hound

a person known for their uncommonly large alcohol consumption and the ability to function there after.

Damn son your a booze hound!

by B.H November 12, 2002

328👍 97👎

booze hound

One who puts the consumption of alcohol above all responsibility, family, and friends. Possesses a strong love only for alcohol and alcohol-centric situations. Consumes alcohol every free chance they get. This person usually says things like "i need a beer" or "jeez i could really use a drink or 30". This person's automobile can be commonly and frequently seen parked outside of local pubs and bars. Refuses rides even when obliterated. Very angry and edgy. Smiles only when intoxicated. Always complaining that they are at work/school and not at a bar. Always at a bar when they are not at work/school.

"Wow, Kristen's car is out in front of the Adam's Bar again? Damn, is she a booze hound!"

by Igor Mantooth April 14, 2010

47👍 26👎

booze hound

A person whose innate ability to sniff out (similar to a bloodhound, hence the namesake) an excuse to drink at any time or any place.

Elly is a real booze hound, she takes a shot after every Touchdown, fieldgoal, firstdown, turnover, and extra point.

by Baraq March 18, 2008

49👍 34👎

booze hound

A Booze Hound is somebody who loves a drink at any time of the day in any place and sonsumes large quantities of alcohol before during and after work.

Kate McAllister is pissed again, christ almighty she is a MASSIVE BOOZE HOUND

Kate McAllister was on it last night - what a MASSIVE BOOZE HOUND

Kate McAllister has just been on facebook - seriously what a MASSIVE BOOZE HOUND

by carl nawagamuwa June 15, 2007

28👍 35👎

booze hound

a person that drinks non stop, all day, everyday.

That Steph is a real booze hound.

by Sumyungu June 25, 2003

26👍 43👎