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boss baby

1.The name of the greatest movie ever made
2. One who acts in a manner where they think they rule the entire world, much like the British Empire at its


So she's suckin me and then wants me to kiss her with my man juice in her mouth and I'm all like "Who do you think you are some kind of boss baby? "

by SteveBuscemi69 June 29, 2017

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boss baby

boss baby is someone who is bossy and thinks they're superior to everyone else. also cant take criticism, so they act like a baby

is the boss baby working today?
yes, he's only here till 1 today.

by Thatonegirl625 January 2, 2020

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boss baby

1. Someone who acts as if or does things as if the world revolves around them
2. Someone who is cranky and takes this emotion out on others
3. Someone who radiates an aura of authority or entitlement

4. Aries

โ€œMy mom was being such a boss baby today.โ€

by djroomba314 December 5, 2018

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The boss baby


The boss baby ate my ass in Minecraft

by Boss baby March 10, 2018

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Boss baby

Boss baby:
Brooklyn meek=boss baby

Brooklyn meek(boss baby): your weird

Other person: stfu u look like boss baby

by Brooklyn meek my boi February 29, 2020

Boss baby

A paradox, the kind of kid that cries and whines when an authority figure like a parent is around, then talks bossy shit to people in a grown up voice when nobody is looking. A boss baby is soft and nerdy as a child, but deep down always wants and likes to fight people or likes fighting and arguments even if not directly involved in them. A spy kid that always tells everyone else to go away or get a life.

The boss baby was a walking talking contradiction ever since he/she could walk and talk, and being a contradiction is always a good defense since nobody can actually hold you to anything you say if they can't even identify you.

by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021

Boss Baby

Cool boi, knows buisiness, also a show and movie

Mario: Hey stinky, did you see boss baby?
Cringe: No
Boss Baby: Someone called me?

everybody but cringe: YAY ITS BOSS BABY

by Frick dude! May 31, 2022