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Boston Accent

The Boston Accent is not just an accent, it's a lifestyle. Everyone in New England who speaks with varying degrees of this "No R" accent has a swagger about them, because they know they're better than people from other parts of the US. We all live the No R Lifestyle.

The Boston Accent is best explained at www.norlifestyle.com

by No R Lifestyle August 14, 2009

853๐Ÿ‘ 269๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boston Accent

A bad ass accent used by bad ass people. Don't mess with people from new england, who sound like this. We're fuckin baller.

That guy is such a bad ass with his Boston Accent.

by BaccaGamingUrban May 10, 2016

26๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boston Accent

A complete disregard for the letter "R". One of the most noticeable accents in the US. Primarily used around boston and its suburbs.

Spelling bee anouncer: "your next word is 'car'"
boston accent: "Cah, C-A-..... Cah"
anouncer: "your a dumbass"

by syx1nine October 23, 2007

103๐Ÿ‘ 217๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boston Accent

The most annoying of all American accents, just ahead of the Philadelphia accent. Most commonly heard from douchebag Red Sox fans who suddenly like to brag about the "Sawwwx" greatness, it sounds like someone cut out a chunk of their tongue, making it impossible for them to pronounce "r" when appropriate, and inserting the "r" sound into words where it doesn't exist. Extremely irritating, as is typical for Bostonians.

Example of a Boston Accent in conversation:

Sean: "Hey, wheah's Pawlie?"

Patrick: "I dunno, I just sawr him the uddah day at dah pahty. He was wicked drunk."

Sean: "Yeah, I sawr him theah too. He was pukin next to a pahked cah. Musta had a hawrrible hangovah the next day."

Patrick: "Yeah, I bet it was wicked. Hey, you going to da Sawwwx game dis Satahday?"

Sean: "Of couahs I'll be theah. Varitek is playing awrsome at catcha lately."

by Potato Sack June 11, 2009

121๐Ÿ‘ 273๐Ÿ‘Ž

boston accent

If you are from the Northeast, this is the norm. You tend to leave off "r", and sometimes add one in another place. Other times, ohs sound like ahs. Add wicked whenever possible.

red sox= red sahx
The party last night was a lot of fun= the pahty last night was wicked fun!
Put your clean clothes in the drawers=
put yah clean clothes in the drawrers~

by Tessie May 7, 2005

443๐Ÿ‘ 343๐Ÿ‘Ž

boston accent

A dialect typified by a non-rhotic speech pattern and a merger in the vowel classes found in words like "cot" and "caught."

For the record, I've never heard anyone say "Bahsten" or "Sahx," apart from people faking the accent. Most people from Mass or New Hampshire will say "Bawstin" and "sawx."

A Boston Accent would best be used as follows: "Yoah retahded if ya don't think the sawx ah frickin awesome."

by Nordo November 8, 2007

251๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž

boston accent

the way people from boston talk; replacing "er" with "a"

mutha fucka

by Anonymous July 11, 2003

261๐Ÿ‘ 331๐Ÿ‘Ž