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bowling a strike

Taking a shit and taking it well. Bowling a Strike means you had a really fantastic shit, and it is an occasion to be celebrated among friends, preferably over an Instant Messaging program, while bored at work. See also bowl.

Gchatter 1: hey, i gotta go bowl.
Gchatter 2: good luck!
Gchatter 1: thanks man, i need it after last night's shenanigans.
Gchatter 2: well?
Gchatter 1: i bowled a strike.
Gchatter 2: fantastic news!

Person 1: where were you?
Person 2: bowling a strike.
Person 1: i'm jealous.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

14👍 5👎

bowl a strike

to take a shit. see bowling a strike.

after i bowl a strike, i feel as light as air, and i know the rest of the day is going to be a-okay.

by Viktor II August 22, 2007

13👍 1👎

bowl a strike

When a senior citizen, usually, loses control of their whip and crashes into, for instance, a bus stop, taking out 5 men, 3 women and 2 children, 10 people in all, hence the bowling reference. Upon further investigation, this is usually not the first time the driver has done this.

In today's news, Elmer Walter Jones, 89, bowled a strike with his Buick Century this afternoon at the local shopping mall.

by Slashy J. Izzbourne August 24, 2004

26👍 7👎

bowl a strike

to get laid ten times in one night by ten different hot girls.

John bowled a strike when he got drunk with some girls.

by billy maddox March 10, 2005

7👍 19👎