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brace yourself

Preparing to hear something emotionally bad, or preparing for an impact (for an example: car going to crash)

*car about to crash*
Driver: Brace yourselves boys!


Girl 1: Brace yourself, because you're not going to like what I'm about to say.

by urbandictionarer March 29, 2017

76👍 4👎

brace yourself

Prepare yourself mentally or emotionally for hearing something unpleasant, out of place or inappropriate.

"...they dropped the ball and now, brace yourself -- they're making us pay for it."

by Carlos Luis March 20, 2007

455👍 96👎

brace yourself

In the small Norfolk town of Kings Lynn and the villages surrounding, 'bracing yourself' is a term followed by a face similar to a gurn. The facial expression is called 'a brace'or 'the brace' with an 'urghh' sound attached

Rob:Brace yourself Jamzo!
Jamzo:*Braces* URGHHHHHH!

by Jamzo October 11, 2007

75👍 119👎

Brace Yourself

Phrase used when something unbelievable wonderful is about to happen to someone else or even to yourself and without this warning the person's heart might stop -- at least for a moment!"

"Brace yourself, you're about to get the ride of your life!"

by Lucas Watzenrode September 6, 2018

13👍 1👎