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breaking the law

Judas Priest's most popular song; the theme song for masturbation.

Patrick's Mom- "PATRICK WE'RE HOME!"

Patrick's Dad- "Where is patrick?"

(the intro to breaking the law is heard up in Patrick's room)

Patrick's Mom- "OH NO, NOT AGAIN!!!"

by gayqui June 14, 2006

50πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

"Breaking the law"

When a dude, or chick in some cases, walks around the house wearing a shirt but nude otherwise fully exposing the genitals. Seen in many movies, but nonetheless totally unnecessary.

I was "breaking the law" last night looking for my boxers

by Muk Wang October 29, 2006

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

National break a law day

November 28 is the day to break a law day

Today a lot of people broke a law for national break a law day

by November 28 October 17, 2019

International Break the Law Day

April 11th is international break the law day. On this day you are supposed to post a picture of you breaking the law on Social Media or post a photo of an illegal item in your possession.

β€œIt’s international break the law day! Everyone post pictures of your illegal guns!”

by LobsterMaster April 11, 2021