Source Code

Brent Wilson

Ex bass player of Panic! At The Disco.
Replaced by J-Walk Jon Walker
Last seen working at a Mickey Ds in Vegas.
Lawlz JK
only notrly

Brent:Hi may I take your order? *wink*
Kid: Lawlz no Brent Wilson.

by Sara D. September 27, 2006

237πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Brent Wilson

That one douchebag who used to be in Panic! at the Disco but got asked to leave because he's a loser and was probably on LSD. Likely to be selling crack on the streets.

Person 1: Hey remember that dickhead that used to be in Panic! with the creepy look on his face?
Person 2: *shudders* Yeah.
Person 1: What was his name?
Person 2: Um... uumm... oh yeah! Brent Wilson.

by Flooded Lungs December 22, 2009

56πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Brent Wilson

Ex-Bass Player of Panic! at the Disco

Played bass for A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out
and half of the Nothing Rhymes with Circus tour

was later kicked out for personal and financial reasons.

also known for his attractiveness and slick hair

and how he moves his hips and pelvis against his bass.

β€œOmg is that Brent Wilson?”

β€œOf course, nobody else would have hot slick hair like that old bass player!”

by Ry the Brentie March 16, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Brent Wilson


Person 1: I pray to Brent Wilson nightly
Person 2: Holy shit no way! Me too!

by throambrent July 9, 2019

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Brent Wilson

1. Bass Player of Panic!
2. Super hot guy from Panic! yet no one else seems to think the same

screw Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross, Brent Wilson is my boy

by Wisdom Cube April 17, 2006

47πŸ‘ 343πŸ‘Ž

brent wilson

A whiny little bitch that used to play bass for Panic! at the Disco but was asked to leave because he's a complete douchebag.

At this point in time, both he AND his douchebag brother Blake are still beating the poor, dead horse; there is going to be an interview featuring Brent in the upcoming issue of Alternative Press.

Apparently, he and his brother are immature five year olds that don't know how to let things go. They occasionally send updates to random (and when I say "random" I mean all two of them) Brent-centered communities on LiveJournal, which are mostly populated by retarded twelve year olds.

Person A: Dude, did you hear what that ex-Panic! douchebag has been up to now?

Person B: Oh, you mean that pathetic Brent Wilson guy?

by oicwydt February 26, 2008

159πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

brent wilson

EX bass player for the popular band Panic! At The Disco .
It was the decision of Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith to let Brent go.
It has been tough for the band as Brent is threatening them, saying that he is going to take them to court.
He is suing the band because he wants his share of the money from "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" .
Apparently it was actually Brendon Urie who wrote the bass parts for the Record and had to simplify them for Brent to Play.
Brent has now been replaced by -friend of the band- Jon Walker.

Kid1: Who do you think is the best in Panic! at the disco?
Kid2: Ryan Ross
Kid1: I like Brendon
Kid2: Who's the worst?
Kid1: brent wilson
Kid2: Yah, he's not in the band anymore now.
Kid1: cool.

by jade17 August 17, 2006

239πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž