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Brian Warner

Known by most as "Marilyn Manson", Brian Hugh Warner was born on January 5th, 1969. He grew up in Canton, Ohio. Brian states that when he was younger, he would have been scared of his Marilyn Manson persona, and that he's "grown up to be all of the things that hurt and scared him".

When Brian was 18, he moved to Florida and worked as a part-time music journalist. When he was in Florida, Brian met with Scott Mitchell, and they formed the band Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids For Brian Warner, the point of the band was to push the limits of America's cencorship laws.

The name "Marilyn Manson" is based on actress Marilyn Monroe and murderer Charles Manson. Warner chose this because it was the fakest stage name of all, in an effort to point out that the show business is fake. Brian Warner's bandmates followed suit, creating stage names with the first name of a female actor, and the last name of a serial killer (Daisy Berkowitz, Olivia Newton-Bundy, Sara Lee Lucas, and Zsa Zsa Speck).

Brian Warner/Marilyn Manson is not liked by most of society, and has been protested in just about every place he plays. Despite an over the top image, controvercial lyrics and stage shows, Brian Warner has managed to make a name for himself as a serious artist. He has had his music on blockbusters like The Matrix Reloaded, Bowling for Columbine, From Hell, and Resident Evil. Brian Warner has also appeared in movies like Party Monster and Bowling for Columbine.

Brian Warner is also an accomplished painter, and has sold some of his watercolours to celebrities like Nicholas Cage and Jack Osbourne.

"I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference."
- Marilyn Manson/Brian Warner

by HeadFullOfHoles July 20, 2006

296👍 66👎

Brian Warner

A.K.A. Marilyn Manson.
Founder/Singer for GREAT band Marilyn Manson. The most misunderstood person in the world. If it wasn't for starting a band and becoming famous Brian would be a dork who is constantly picked on.

kid 1. "you know that brian warner kid"
kid2 " yeah"
kid1 "he's a total fag!!"
kid 2 "Dude that is Marilyn manson!!, he's awesome"
kid1 "oh, didnt know...yeah he is awesome.

--an example of being loved for FAME ONLY.
and not for who you are.

by matt sharp June 6, 2005

70👍 32👎

Brian Hugh Warner

The birth-name of Marilyn Manson.

Brian Hugh Warner is a freak - He will probably hook up with Trent Reznor, and become a star

by Brian Hugh Warner March 23, 2011

4👍 9👎