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Bristol Palin

A description of the situation when one accidentally impregnates the daughter/family member of someone politically known/vaguely important e.g. the story of the original Bristol Palin.

Usually results in said male being forced into a 'happy marriage' with the victim of Bristol-Palinism to save face, since so many politicians oppose abortion.

Generic male 1: "Dude I was totally boning President Obama's niece last week and now she rings telling me she's preggers."

Generic male 2: "Oh shiiiiiit you're screwed! Why the fuck did you go and Bristol Palin that bitch?"

Generic male 1: "Dunno but have a good life."

by Dr. Torn Face October 3, 2010

130👍 32👎

Bristol Palin

The daughter of Republican VP Nominee Sarah Palin. She's a big neo-Nazi strumpet who's blatant unprotected vaginal corndoggery undermines her mother's fascist agenda for moral order.

Bristol Palin:
Country First! Condoms Second!

by Hasn't Bin Laden September 9, 2008

678👍 244👎

Bristol Palin

To be underage and pregnant. Especially if your parents are a part of the Religious Right

I think Becky and I are going to go all the way tonight.

Use a rubber dude, You don't want to Bristol Palin her.

by Somethingcatchy September 1, 2008

454👍 208👎

Bristol Palin

The daughter of the homophobic republican Sarah palin. Shes a stupid whore who got pregnant and tells teenagers to be abstinent. shes a hypocrite and also a homophobe like her dumbass mother. Shes a horrible dancer who won 3rd place on Dancing with the stars because all the republicans and the tea party fucked up the votes. Shes also fat bitch!

I wish Bristol palin would get shot!

by MJlover20 December 9, 2010

180👍 77👎

Bristol Palin

MILF. Pregnant daughter of 2008 Vice President candidate Sarah Palin.

- Hey did you hear Bristol Palin is pregnant?
- Yeah! That MILF!

by JTC374 September 1, 2008

105👍 189👎

Bristol Palin syndrome

When a daughter makes her mother look hot, as Bristol Palin does to her mother.

dude 1: Veronica is so fugly, she makes her sloppy mother a milf.

dude 2: That's called Bristol Palin syndrome.

by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 19, 2010

39👍 16👎