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broken dick

To painfully bend your dick in the middle after vigorous sex. Often makes a popping noise.

"As I fucked her brains out I got a broken dick and now I can't walk."

by That Amish Guy June 24, 2003

86👍 26👎

broken dick

The end result of having sex with a militant feminist.

Nathan knew how much feminists hate men when Jane msade a few quick twists of her pelvis while he was deep inside her and gave him a broken dick.

by urban pervert June 25, 2003

99👍 95👎

Broken Dick

The Blues. A common phrase which its origin is in the Hebrew language. Meaning, you are in a state of sadness resulting of bad experience,dark future, life in general etc.
Note:Used by both sexes. Usually used with initials.

He: Are you coming to see a movie with us?
Me: No, I think I'll stay at home, I have a broken dick since my girlfriend left me.

by Jones100 August 8, 2005

18👍 32👎

Broken Dick Syndrome

When the vessels that provide blood to the dick are injured due to vigorous thrusting of female genitalia. The dick may slip out and the trajectory of the dick may cause the dick to hit the buttocks causing the dick to bend at an angle less than 80 degrees. This may come with a snapping sound.

Matt was deep dicking his wife when he slipped out and slammed into his wife’s buttocks, bending his dick, and ultimately acquiring broken dick syndrome (BDS)

by BDSExpert September 24, 2018

Dick Broken

When a girl purposely gets your hopes up that you will be scoring sometime soon, but then lets you down.

Even after 3 months, she still leaves me Dick Broken.

by Dylan Paros June 24, 2007

8👍 3👎

Broken Dick Syndrome

An infliction that generally comes after overuse, specifically masturbation. IT causes the member to become red and swollen, much like if stung by a bee. Wears off after a few days rest, though sometimes dry skin can crack and take longer to heal.

Girlfriend: Hey big boy, you ready for round 2?
Penis owner: Nah I'm sorry baby but after that pounding I think I have Broken Dick Syndrome; see how my foreskin is all fat and red?

by J.B Bravo June 20, 2022