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verb trans. destroy all that is good in your life. Piss away great opportunities.

Keep drinking a 12-pack of Stella every night and picking fights with six year olds, and you'll charliesheen yourself all the way to the grave . . . with a sojourn or two in the nearest jail.

by William Dean A. Garner February 27, 2011

63👍 9👎


Charliesheened:(adj) To be extremely intoxicated via drugs or alcohol.

variants: Charliesheened (v) to cause physical/mental harm to.

ex. Dude I was totally Charlie Sheened last night, in honor of PI day I bough 3.14 grams intsead of my usual 3!

ex. That kid was talking smack, so I walked over there and charliesheened his shit up.

by spballin' March 16, 2011

2👍 3👎