Source Code



yo man u got a cigg i can get

by Anonymous December 28, 2002

47👍 15👎


another way to say cigarette

Can I bum a ciggs from you?

by Kev Nice March 11, 2006

40👍 14👎

Cigg Party

Usually a invitation or invite to ones formed smoking circle. Can be found outside of bars/clubs/shops/houses or anywhere in which you have more than one person smoking a cigg. You must notify your friends or co-workers first of this smoking party by politely asking them if they'd like to join by saying "You have cordially have been invited to my cigg party, RSVP ASAP!." This is a very fun and inviting way to not be the only one smoking a cigg while others are around. Step out of your boundary and ask a stranger if they'd like to join your cigg party.

Kristian, Jon, Deigo, Raymi...You have all been invited to my cigg party, RSVP ASAP!

ciggs menthol camel marboro newport salem wintson

by GB DOH BREE February 16, 2011

6👍 1👎

happy cigg

a marijuanna ciggerette

yo' got any happy ciggs ?

by marius May 13, 2004

8👍 5👎


A Boss, When Your Making Money Or Making Moves

That Nigga Diddy A Cigg.

by youngweezy16 February 26, 2017