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canadian national

Big, greedy ass Canadian railroad that has invaded the US and acquired several American railroads such as the Grand Trunk Western and EJ&E. They like to paint their colors over engines which were originally painted in the colors of the railroads they acquired before those railroads are 100% phased out. They do it just to piss off us railfans! CN locomotives are red/black with the CN in white letters. Canadian Pacific does the complete opposite to railroads it acquires, AND provides a better working environment for its employees!

Railfan 1: Hey look! It's an old Canadian National locomotive with the zebra stripes!
Railfan 2: Fuck CN! Those greedy bastards took over the WC!

by femaletrainlover March 12, 2014

11👍 9👎

Canadian National

Canadian National is a railway that was founded in 1919. It began operations in June 6th, 1919. In 2019, CN revealed a lot of 100th Anniversary Heritage units! In 2020 CN revealed Fallen Flag heritage units.

Canadian national is a great railroad

by helloguysiamstupid April 19, 2021