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Canadian Football

Canadian football is very similar to American football. The main difference is that with Canadian rules there are only three downs. Canadian football is also played on a wider field and has one man more on the field than American. On offence there are two slot backs rather than a tight end. A field goal is also a live ball in Canadian football and can be returned for a touchdown if missed.

Canadian and American football are the greatest sports in the world. Love the gridiron!

by left4ded April 14, 2005

106👍 47👎

Canadian Football

The sexual term:
The act of receiving oral sex from your partner, then orgasming on their face, This simple action is followed by placing a large football helmet on the person, backwards. And proceeding to throw them down the stairs.

Man: "dude last night my girl gave me really crappy head, so we played a little Canadian football after she finished."

by Andy SW June 15, 2008

16👍 25👎

Canadian Football

Derived from a sport called rugby-football, superior to american football. Real men only need 3 downs! The field is 110 yards long and not as wide. The defense must remain 1 yars behind scrimmage until the ball is in play. The biggest similarity to rugby being the drop kick which involves at any time dropping the ball to the ground and after it bounces kicking it through the uprights. There is a 3 minute warning at the end of each half.

"Do you want to watch the Dalphins and Giants play"

"No I want Canadian football, I'm going to watch the roughriders play the roughriders."

by MadDog10101 November 12, 2009

8👍 19👎

Canadian Football

Wants to be the NFL but I dont think canadians know the field is way to big shhh dont tell them yet oh and they get everyone who cant make it in the NFL

Look somewhere I the internet youll see

by T8KEM August 17, 2005

23👍 123👎

Canadian football

A sport similar to american football becuase they both have shared orgins from british rugby football, the main difference is the offense only has 3 downs and the field is longer and wider then an American field, Canadian football fans will argue that 3 downs makes it better becuase it makes it more difficult for the offense, but that's total bullshit becuase the wide receivers are allowed to get a running start before the snap and the defense has to line up 1 yard away from the line of scrimmage, unlike in american football where they line up at the line of scrimmage and the receivers can't get a running start, another strange rule is that a missed field goal that goes into the endzone is ruled a Live ball and anyone can pick it up and run with it and if a ball carrier gets tackled in his own endzone after picking up a missed field goal it scores a 1 point safety called a rouge or single, a rouge can also be scored if a missed field goal goes out of bounds through the back of the endzone

Yo, want to watch the canadian football league grey cup tommorow between the lions and alloutes?

No, I prefer american football and it's 4 down system that makes the offence and defense more balanced.

by stanley yelnats II April 15, 2023