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Carlos Barat

Singer/Songwriter of British band The Libertines. He is a fabulous musician, and his interviews are usually quite insightful. He is intelligent. And fucking hott. Is said by many LJ-Junkies to be a raging homosexual with his former bandmate Pete Doherty whom he has had an intense love-hate relationship with, but nonetheless, Carl is a sex god who had decided to move on in his career.

Yeah, The Libs broke up. I hope I'm not the only one who hopes that Pete and Carl will make up someday. In the meantime, Carl, who has the most beautiful ass I have ever seen, signed with another label and is supposedly forming another band..hmmm

by stray April 13, 2005

157👍 17👎

Carlos Barat

Carlos Barat 1.talented 2.handsome 3. singer/songwriter 4. British(Best place ever for musicians) Meaning to the definition FUCKING fantastic!!!

Has been in famous British band Libertines The Also has a unique fashion sense the sort of look you dont have to get up in the morning and sort your hair out and thrown on anything you can reach for, who would of guessed burberry is not always for chavscan play guitar and sing at the same time "talent compared to some". Just been through a op "get better"

by Rhi-Rhi March 1, 2005

94👍 15👎

Carlos Barat

Carl Barat, co-lead singer and songwriter of amazing british band The Libertines. A sexy god-like legend.

Carl has a lovely arse.

by Sallog May 5, 2004

290👍 80👎

Carlos Barat

Carl has nice hair

I like his hair

by nev May 13, 2004

236👍 78👎

carlos barat

1. Excellent, talented musician.
2. effing beautiful.
3. His hair is lovely.
4. And his arse...
5. and he needs to keep wearing them wisdom pants, so hot.

that is not all..but i will bore you if i carry on.

<3 carl <3

is a sex god.


by Lauren January 16, 2005

159👍 57👎

carlos barat

An amazingly talented and incredibly patient and forgiving man. has one of the best voices ive ever heard. roar

'Ive got a little secret for ya...'
'He can blow a pipe like a muuuule'

by AlbionLegarage January 25, 2005

199👍 79👎