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Carmel college

Carmel college is a school in Darlington, England. full of scruffs and bible bashers. Most of the boys there love the youngens where as the lasses love abit of everything. Known for its large amount of slags walking the corridors looking like watsits

No wonder she’s a scruff...she’s from Carmel College

by MrMcgregggggor May 20, 2019

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Carmel College

A Catholic college in Auckland New Zealand Commonly known as the slut school. It resides by "lezzie lake" and has considerably less lesbians for a all girl college. It is for the most part fail but has an awesome barbershop headed with the pathetic "barbara"

"I'm going to school at westlake"
"Oh, lezzie lake? Can you drive me to Carmel College on your way?"

"I'm in the Carmel College barbershop group"
"I feel for you" *hand on shoulder*
"B-but... it's fun?"

by Maxibabee April 15, 2010

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Carmel College

Carmel College is recognised as a world class school. It is located in Darlington, and is one of the best schools in the country, with astounding GCSE grades every year. It’s reputation is welcomed throughout the community and it is seen as one of the most go to catholic schools ever.

Person 1: β€œDid you hear about that school in the north ?”

Person 2: β€œOh yes, Carmel College?”
Person 1: β€œSome of the best grades in the country!”

by TheDragonDownTheRoad December 6, 2019

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

mount carmel college

the worst school in the world, this school is full of drug addicts and sellers, their school smells of marijuana and the girls have their skirts, shorts and dresses so far up you can see their underwear, this school may be private but no one in it acts it, they are crazy and get a lot of fights happening

i need to go to mount carmel college i heard they have good drug dealers!

by 420fam69iykyk April 16, 2020