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Casa Bonita

A totally rad mexican resturant where you can cliff dive go into the awsome scary cave then eat refired beans.

"Dude sex with your mom was soo cool."
"NO, not as cool as Casa Bonita!"

by Eric Cartman March 23, 2005

133👍 16👎

Casa Bonita

The best restaurant in Denver, Colorado. Has various things such as Black Bart's Cave, cliff divers, and unlimited sopapillas. Eric Cartman's favorite restaurant in all of the world.

Casa Bonita! Casa Bonita! Food and fun in a festive atmosphere!

by 15bitzers December 30, 2019

7👍 1👎

casa bonita

the disneyland of mexican resturants and you can get refried beans!

casa bonita awsome!
"casa bonita casa bonita enchilada momasita"

by Stan March 23, 2005

103👍 20👎

Casa Bonita-ing

When you go to Casa Bonita and pay $25 dollars for all you can eat fake mexican food + unlimited sopa pillas and shit your brains out for 2 days afterward.

Dude, Pat was just Casa Bonita-ing for 20 minutes in my mom's bathroom.

by SH25 August 2, 2012

Casa Bonita

(verb) To rush or race through a place or event due to time constraint. A quick browse to hit all the highlights.
Derives from the television show, South Park.

If my husband comes with me to HomeGoods, I have to casa bonita the entire store.

Kids, we only get one day at Disneyland. We'll have to casa bonita it.

by PvtSweetheart July 19, 2022