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Cat Meme

The god of all memes

Boi u seen any of dem good cat memes lately?

by OnionCat December 13, 2018

18👍 2👎

Meme Cat

Ollie is the progenitor of the “Polite Cat” meme, also known as the “He Looks Very Polite” meme. It all started with an unsuspecting 9GAG post, where someone submitted a very peculiar-looking cat whose mouth resembled that of a human's pressed in a straight line

Guy 1 - Hey Bro did you see the new meme I sent ya?
Guy 2 - Damn those meme cats always crack me up!

by YourUrbanPerson March 4, 2022

meme cat

A Piece of shit that people who like shit eat It also is something that jerks off to bacon and fruit loops

You Wanna eat a Meme Cat or You Meme Cat >:C

by TrumpHater005 June 13, 2017

6👍 45👎

Da cat meme

A cat, that becomes a meme, by the way, ur looking SUS today.

Dude 1: did u know about da cat meme?
Dude 2:of course!!

by Da cat meme August 25, 2021

Cat memes

Cat memes are memes which are mainly focused on cats doing funny things. 50% of cat meme watchers are Facebook moms. The others are gigachads.

To refresh a dirty mind.

I love cat memes.

This acts like a cat meme.

by ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ October 29, 2023