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catalytic converter

catalytic converter an emissions control device put on cars since the 1970s uses heat and chemical reaction to burn off pollutants in exhaust gas

my cars catalytic converter plugged up and got red hot setting my car on fire luckily it was handled quickly no real damage done to the car

by littlejimmie May 28, 2019

catalytic converter

A catalytic converter is a small pipe, in which temperatures get so hot, it will help convert the exhaust gas into a more environmentally safe fume and decrease pollution emitted from a vehicles exhaust and reduce the smell of gasoline.
Removing a catalytic converter could make the exhaust 30-70 percent louder than the exhaust with the Catalytic Converter. In some states, running without a catalytic converter could be illegal and the fine could be as much as $2000.

Eliminating the catalytic converter from your system will not affect the overall performance values of the bike.

by Jermey July 17, 2005

48👍 18👎

Catalytic Converter

A person who's ex turned gay after breaking up with them

"Did you hear that Nick's ex-girlfriend turned gay because of him?"
"Yeah he's such a Catalytic Converter for that!"

by Radiance92 September 13, 2023

Ass filter. (anal emissions catalytic converter)

A device for preventing the smell from some people's asses from affecting the productivity of others. Manufactured and fuelled by the Anal Emmisions Commission.

This is neccesary for those who eat a great deal of feet. In particular, Hobbit's feet.

"That stinks you shit, get a fucking ass filter!"
"You've got bowel rot! At least get an ass filter you stinky novice"

by Vindavjck November 19, 2004

20👍 11👎