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Chef Bois

A group of comedians based in California. Known for having tendencies of performing homoerotic and racist jokes. They popularized the thousand years of pain in the Richmond area.

Those Chef Bois are back at it again. They keep slapping those guys' asses.

by JackDaBoi! March 28, 2019

chef boy are you dark

What white people call black people that cook well.
derived from Chef boy-R-D

a girl in my office cooked fish in the picnic area and was nick named "chef boy are you dark".

by bheron July 10, 2006

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Cheffing Boys

The act of 'Cheffing Boys' is to cook them up in a sense, like a chef. In other words, you are getting the male in heat and to hopefully have sexual intercourse with them later that night.

My friend was totally Cheffing Boys last night

by PapaHuchi June 17, 2021

Chef boy Tony

A legit god

And the most O.G gangster there is

He’s a ducking legend

That’s an O.G chef boy Tony

by Chef boy Tony June 7, 2021

Chef Boy OG

The realest dudes

That guy is mah Chef Boy OG!!!

by LilLiss1990 May 17, 2019