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Chief for Chief

In a similar essence to shot for shot in drinking, chief for chief occurs when two people are smoking most commonly a joint or cart. Every time one person takes a “chief,” the other person must “chief” the joint or cart to match.

Hey bro, I have this joint. Wanna go chief for chief tonight?

by SonicSwagGaminf June 22, 2022

9👍 7👎

Chief Chief Officer

Used when a persons job title is bullshit. For example in certain corporations everyone seem to be directors of something, in other words they are Directors of Nothing or Chief Chief Officers.

“Hello, I am the Director of Direct Marketing.”
“Hello, Yes I am also a Director of Direct Marketing but for Sustainable Solutions.”

Temps watching from afar: “God they are such Chief Chief Officers.”

by Not a Chief Chief Officer May 19, 2023