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Most loyal person ever. She's always an ear opener, Chrissie is goofy and always there for her friends. Fun, outgoing, and the life of the party. Usually likes to have long lasting friendships and is very sensitive. She's a great friend to be around.

I wish I had a friend like Chrissie.

by Chrissie December 22, 2016

73๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A name for a girl who can be described in only a positive way. She's someone who you immediately love once you get to know just a little bit about. She's always confident wherever she goes and may seem overconfident to some. But she doesn't fully believes the things she says and doesn't realize she's astonishing and beautiful. Don't get me wrong she loves who she is, she's just humble. She truly cares about her family and is truly happy that she was born into her family. She's loves to talk about her heritage and how great her country is. She's someone you need in your life and can't have without. She's a brilliant girl who always works hard to get the best grades she can. You could be having the worst day ever but when you talk to her you forget all your problems and just can't stop yourself from smiling. Also when your talking to her she'll make you laugh for sure. She's a beautiful girl who has a smile that makes you forget about everything and eyes that you get lost in while looking in them. Whenever she's around you can't help to look at her. She's a strong girl who never bothers people with her problems, she just deals with it herself.

I wish Chrissy was here right now, if she was here everything would get 10x better.

by Just Some Bored Guy September 15, 2018

374๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful girl. Always in a relationship. Should keep her if you have her and if you lost her you lost a diamond! Don't f**k with her cause if you do she'll make you regret it big time. May be kind of a flirt but when she does love it's the best thing in the world.

"Man I should've told Chrissy how I felt"

by Koreankieran August 28, 2016

154๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A laid back person

a great sense of humor

Gets along with alot of people
Has mostly guy friends

"Dude Chrissy is so laid back"
"I know right i wish i had a laid back personality like her"

by Clmnsnsns October 28, 2016

84๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


literally the coolest person to walk earth. very sweet and obsessed with jess mariano. also pretty and everyone's favorite person <3


by yoitszadie December 29, 2022


has the phattest juiciest badonkadonk ever. she's so georgeous all the boys are just in awe of her beauty and are intimidated by her. all the girls are extremely jealous of her and try to hate her to cover up their jealousy and saltiness. although she is absolutely stunning, she doesn't get guys often because they are too scared that she'll reject them. she has the most beautiful personality and physical features and is the sweetest and most caring human being you'll meet

man I wish I had a huge phat badonkadonk like chrissy
I want to be like chrissy so much it's unbearable
are you gonna ask out chrissy? nah I'm to scared she's gonna reject me

by yesno. October 16, 2020


Hottest chick that every guy wants to fuck and would do anything for her attention. So nice but can be a bitch if she wants to.

I wish i was as pretty as chrissie

by Tassshhhhhh July 22, 2016

61๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž