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climbing trees

To get high, most commonly by means of marijuana. Trees is a common slang name for marijuana. When you climb a tree, you're getting higher in elevation than when you were on the ground. Therefore climbing trees refers to getting high off of trees.

Hey I just got an eighth of some haze, want to go climbing trees?

by Kev564 February 26, 2007

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

the hairy dude that climbs trees

The Hairy Dude That Climbs trees is a wildly savage animal. It was discovered in 2019 by two middle schoolers named Ally and Aleena. It can be a very dangerous creature if disturbed or mocked. It has been spotted very few times and is knows to always be in a tree. Recent studies show that the Hairy Dudes prefer oak and maple over pine and firm trees. There is a very large bounty on the creature, if found, captured, and brought into authorities alive and unharmed, you could be rewarded with $300,000,000.00, but if brought in harmed, or dead, you could be fined with enormous charges, or even face a life’s sentence in jail. The Hairy Dude that climbs trees is a human sized animal, about 6 feet tall and it looks like a short, or shrunken big foot, or a hobo. If you happen to encounter one, don’t worry they speak Spanish and pig Latin. If you speak neither of those languages you could be in trouble, so hocus focus poopy. The Hairy Dude that climbs trees will eat you alive if it is hungry enough. Although this usually only happens if it has not had its daily dose of Chex thingies. Keep an eye out, and remember, Aaron, B is not a vowel.

Ally: are you the hairy dude that climbs trees?

Aleena: why yes

Aleena: takes off disguise to reveal a very hairy face
Aleena: aaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhh

by ~ Hay Hay ~ December 14, 2020

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Hairy Dude that climbs trees

The Hairy Dude that climbs trees is a savage creature discovered by Allison Hay and Aleena (last name unprovided) The hairy dude has been spotted approximately 46 times and is known to always be hidden climbing in a tree. No one has ever seen the creature outside of a tree. Studies have shown it likes oak and pine trees and hates maple trees. The Hairy Dude that climbs trees is a very hairy looking creature, almost looks like a shorter, shrunken Bigfoot. It will sometimes be found wearing Hawaiian swim trunks. There are is a large bounty on the creature and if found, captured, and brought in alive, you could be rewarded up to $300,000,000.00 but beware, if you don’t hocus focus poopy, the hairy dude could eat you alive. It quickly hungers if it doesn’t get its regular doses of Chex thingies

Ally: are you the hairy dude that climbs trees?
Aleena: why yes, *pulls off disguise to reveal thee very hairy creatures face* aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh

by ~ Hay Hay ~ December 14, 2020

climbed a tree

Describes a sophisticated series of foxy dance moves, too wild and peccable for the common hipster and most Italian dance floors. Even a disco fox runs the risk to get kicked out of a club.

Sebastian: "I Was thrown out of a techno club because I climbed a tree."

by Asianman3000 May 2, 2010

Climbing the trees

You want to get something that you can never get, you fall down and get a scratch on your external auditory meatus.

Taylor is climbing the trees while writing a paper.

by Gamergurl2000 January 28, 2019

climbing a tree

sexual intercourse

dude can i call you back

uhm why

im climbing a tree right now

by J.Fink&P.Boska November 20, 2008

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

climb his tree

When he is so tall you wanna climb him like you would climb a tree

When u wanna ride his penis hard

Damn look at kaden i wanna climb his treeπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

by Elliejo February 13, 2017

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž