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close reading

Reading a book or poem so carefully (while constantly referencing the OED), that you suddenly discover something "new and special" about one word in the poem. This word then magically allows you to write three paragraphs about its "new and special meaning." All the while during this "close reading," you will be contemplating suicide as your face, body, and mental thought process will hurt with the agony of forced close analysis.

Bob: I've got a twenty seven page paper due tomorrow on a four line poem.

Chris: Man you better do a close reading of that poem.

by Close Reader English Major November 28, 2010

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close reading

Reading a book in a state of exhaustion, resulting in ones face dropping steadily closer to the page.

I was at the library doing some close reading. Woke up and I had dissolved several verses of Keats in drool.

by Luke T September 15, 2007

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Close Reading

When you heavily analyze someoneโ€™s Instagram post or general personal information to figure out who they are as a person/ what is going on.

Very similar to stalking but with an intellectual and analytical twist.

Like criminal minds- but taking it too far.

Friend 1 - Did you see Samโ€™s Instagram post?

Friend 2 - Yeah I did. It was so chaotic that I had to do a full close reading last night.

Friend 1- Did you hear that Ariana and Finn got back together again?

Friend 2- Wait what!? We need to close read this situation later so we can fully understand what is going on.

by SassyGorgeousPrincess November 6, 2021