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A person from, or resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Massachusetts does not lend itself well to the typical suffixes (-ian, -er, etc.) attached to the name of a place to refer to someone who is from that place (perhaps because the name is not of English origin.) Thus, commonwealther is used as a reference to the fact that Massachusetts is officially designated as a Commonwealth instead of a State (although there is no legal distinction between a β€œstate” and a β€œcommonwealth” in the United States.).

There are three other "states" in the US that designate themselves as Commonwealths (Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Virginia.) However, the usual suffixes are applied to them (Kentuckian, Pennsylvanian and Virginian) without issue, and so a new word is not needed to describe a resident of one of those states.

Bill's not a New Yorker, he's a Commonwealther.

by defenestrator March 21, 2005

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Basically the countries ruled by Great Britain. The commonwealth and Commonwealth realm is different,FYI

The Commonwealth comprises 53 countries, across all continents. The members have a combined population of 2.3 billion people, almost a third of the world population, of which 1.26 billion live in India and 94% live in Asia and Africa combined.

Commonwealth countries include Australia ( hope that referendum doesn't change anything), Canada, Malaysia( My country),New Zealand , India and other countries........ (cause i am not naming all of them)

by ChristopherTZK May 10, 2018

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


noun. (1) a really cool place to go hang out, largely because it is inhabited by L. Ruhling and M. Hunter, who are awesome kids. Parties in the Commonwealth are often disbanded within 5 minutes of their start time because the raging is too intense.

(2) the scene of countless second semester 2011 parties

Hey, do you wanna go blow some shit up in the Commonwealth? I heard they're throwin' down tonight.

Did you hear about that one kid who vommed everywhere in the Commonwealth? He couldn't handle the madness.

by heywhatsupnd November 23, 2010

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Basically the countries ruled by Great Britain. The commonwealth and Commonwealth realm is different,FYI

The Commonwealth comprises 53 countries, across all continents. The members have a combined population of 2.3 billion people, almost a third of the world population, of which 1.26 billion live in India and 94% live in Asia and Africa combined.

Commonwealth countries include Australia ( hope that referendum doesn't change anything), Canada, Malaysia( My country),New Zealand , India and other countries........ (cause i am not naming all of them)

by ChristopherTZK May 10, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The state of Massachusetts

I'm headed back to the commonwealth soon to go to the Cape.

by pijama March 28, 2009

22πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


The general school population. Usually neutral.

For the Commonwealth!
Dude, shut the hell up.

by Code_Maker February 17, 2018

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Basically the countries ruled by Great Britain. The commonwealth and Commonwealth realm is different,FYI

The Commonwealth comprises 53 countries, across all continents. The members have a combined population of 2.3 billion people, almost a third of the world population, of which 1.26 billion live in India and 94% live in Asia and Africa combined.

Commonwealth countries include Australia ( hope that referendum doesn't change anything), Canada, Malaysia( My country),New Zealand , India and other countries........ (cause i am not naming all of them)

by ChristopherTZK May 10, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž