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Consensual Nonconsensuality

The act of giving the consent while pretending not to consent (in BDSM). This term was coined by Biaman Basu in The Commerce of Peoples: Sadomasochism and African American Literature. This action involves two participants and their willing to test the waters. For example, one partner pretends not to like being tied up while the other pretends to force it. Another example, in literature, is reading a text that is fragmented and irritating, but still stimulating. Both parties agree ahead of time as to what lines cannot be crossed, but can still be taunted, and as always, a safe word is used to ensure protection.

Before the play scene:

Bob: I'm going to beg you to stop whipping me, but please don't.

Sally: Ok, I've got your consensual nonconsensuality.

During the play scene:

Bob: Oh Sally! Please stop! You are hurting me!

(Sally doesn't stop)

by M.Hanks April 7, 2014

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