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Real cool awesome people that live in Tennessee (Particularly in the Smoky Mountain Area)

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Tennessee contingent!

by SmokytheBear01 November 27, 2015

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absence of certainty in events, a possibility (n)

The new multi-storeyed hotel was questioned on its contingency evacuation plans in the wake of a disaster.

by Sana_m April 16, 2010

36๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


an asshat who can't finish a project he started

Contingency: I'm working on this new website, it should be done next week.

Contingency: I'm working on a new design for a phone, it should be done next week.

by gues582482 June 14, 2012

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state that begins with paradox-as-a-value (null point) and ends in gradualism (linear time).

Contingency naturalizes (processizes) as a meta-state (self-paradox), self-actualizes as a null value (paradox-as-a-point), and emerges as a phenomenon (linearism (curve)).

by tomorrowtomorrow January 16, 2019

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Verb. To plan ahead for likely future developments.

Spanish authorities have begun to continge in the Catalonia secession crisis

by Lownico October 9, 2017

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Heapage Contingency

When you add a little bit to your calculations for ball leeway

"I'm gonna say 121 plus some Heapage Contingency"

by Cretzel April 12, 2021

Contingency plan

Noun: A plan saved for the worst case scenario, or a backup plan.

According to Sarge from the popular web series Red Vs. Blue, what a shotgun to the face could be considered.

Griff: "And if the plan doesn't work?"
Sarge: "I've got a contingency plan."
Griff: "A shotgun to the face is not a contingency plan. I keep telling you that."
Sarge: "Of course it is! Just look how well it works for insubordination!"

by N00berson McGee December 21, 2011

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