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Country Kitchen Buffet

It's a restaunt that Elderly people must eat at in the early hours of the morning. If you deprive the Elderly of their Country Kitchen buffet they would wither away like a flower without sunlight.

"without country kitchen buffet, the old people will be powerless"- South Park

by Big Bubba B April 29, 2004

313👍 58👎

Country Kitchen Buffet

South Park's version of "Country Buffet," A buffet style chain restaurant in Colorado that attracts a large portion of elderly citizens.

I go to Country Kitchen Buffet when I have the munchies but there's always a bunch of old people there. :(

by What is 7x6 April 26, 2010

42👍 15👎

Country Kitchen Buffet Style

When you do her from behind, wrapping her legs around your waist like a belt, while she clings to her walker like motorcycle handlebars.

While you were at the movies I was really given it your Grandma Country Kitchen Buffet Style.

by Muffington P. Weathersby April 30, 2008

20👍 8👎