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craft beer

An industry of weird concoctions invented to disprove the mostly true notion that American beer is shit. Which actually proves that they knew it already.

What is this piss... craft beer?

by jinx-e April 22, 2016

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

craft beer

An explosion of art and science coming together to build a drinkable masterpiece

We are meeting down at Motorworks Brewing to drink up all their craft beer!

by Ex-Navy Brew Boy February 14, 2014

72πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Craft Beer

An extremely bitter beer with a higher-than-average alcohol content created by a small brewery. Many craft beer drinkers become elitists and shame others for not drinking craft beer.

Jose: Would you like a margarita with your tacos?
Steve: I don't drink that fruity trash. Do you have craft beer?
Jose: Sorry, this is an authentic Mexican restaurant, we only have margaritas and Mexican beer.
Steve: This place sucks! I want my craft beer! Do you even know your IBUs?

by Four Loko Frat Guy November 2, 2022

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Craft Beer

Drink and lifestyle choice of hipsters and bicurious middle aged men (see also Pilsners).

I had to revoke Brando’s man card because he posted about how much he loves craft beer.

by BigRigWilly April 10, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

craft beer-d

The large beard worn by craft beer drinkers, generally accompanied by tattoos, piercings, a shaved head and/or a big belly. Often contains the faint smell of bacon and free trade coffee.

His craft beer-d let me know he was a man who could sit for long periods.

by obiwankengoldi September 9, 2016

Fake craft beer

Beer that is mass produced by a major beer manufacturer but is passed off as craft beer

This bar calls itself a craft beer bar but all they have is fake craft beer.

by rwizzz July 28, 2018