Source Code

Criminalized Dissent

1. The act of a any form of governing body or leader exercising punishment and/or prosecution towards an individual seeking or demonstrating protest of that governing body in any way, regardless of legality.

2. When any form of governing body or leader utilizes, mobilizes, and/or enables militant and/or police forces to detain and imprison citizen(s) regardless of applicable constitutional rights or pursuit of trial as a direct or indirect result of citizen(s) exercising any form of protest against governing rules and/or laws, regardless of how oppressive or not those rules and/or laws are.

3. The process that any form of governing body or leader takes in order to enact any and all laws needed to detain and imprison civilian(s) for the need of placating the perceiving general public and using influence to create the idea that it is permissible to do so even though it may override constitutional rights. (However, legal action is not required.)

Bob: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a form of criminalized dissent being pursued by the United States government.

John: No way!

Bob: Way.

by Jane Moon November 13, 2012

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