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crunch wrap

The best food item from Taco Bell. Its only $2.03

Yo nigga, i went my ass to Taco Bell and got me a Crunch Wrap. IM FULL!!!

by Inconsiderate White Man July 19, 2006

32πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

crunch wrap supreme

tasty mexican thing found at taco bell

Dude 1: ill have a crunch wrap supreme.
Jose: $5.95 at first windo

by crazymothafuckajones July 11, 2008

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

crunch wrap supreme

Ejaculating in your wife, girl friend or bar whores under wear, folding them up, and placing them neatly back into her pantie drawer for a mid-week surprise.

Bro!, that hottie from the bar last night was a freak! I totally left her a crunch wrap supreme! She's gonna hate me by Wednesday!

by Rusty Gaggle-Butt June 25, 2010

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Money, gouda, cheese, yayper, paper, skrilla, scratch, cash, parmeasan, jack, mozarella, fedi, green, stack, bills, benjis, lincolns, georgies, jacksons, hamiltons, spends, ins, change, loot

"I'll pay for it, I got plenty of crunch-wrap, I stay on my grind."

by Gutter Peezy January 23, 2008

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Spicy Chicken Crunch Wrap

Heaven in mexican fast food form. 4.99 at your local taco bell.

Man, that Spicy chicken crunch wrap was an explosision of heavenly thoughts in my mouth.

by mexicanfoodloverme. March 16, 2009

Crunch Wrapped

Getting Incoherently Black Out Drunk With Your HomeBoys/Girls.

Damn bro I’m fuckin’ crunch wrapped right now. Im about to throw the fuck up.
Are y’all niggas ready to get crunch wrapped in this bitch?

by TwampCityAJ April 25, 2024