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Cube Cube

Tinder 2.0! Make new friends, Meet new people and hook up with random app users via the insane chat room! Match with Cube chatters you like and add them on Snapchat or Instagram. Spammers will be blocked immediately and rude comments will be made about your profile picture. Great fun for all. Oh, there’s some sort of weird Tetris type game attached to the chatroom.

Cube 1: Yo, did you go on Cube Cube last night?
Cube 2: Of course, that shit is lit! Got like 5 new girls following the Snap!

by B Nine February 12, 2018

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cube cube

Fake Tetris, where you come to chat with other lit cube cube chatters

I’m about to get on cube cube to chat with everyone

by Isaiah25 February 7, 2018

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gc, gcube, game cube, game-cube

Nintendo's "Game Cube". The latest edition to Ninty's addition of games console.

(N64 Person): I've got the latest game called Golden Eye for the N64!

(GC Person): Ha, I got GC, it's got the sequel to Golden Eye so there! HAHA

by Bruce Lee March 29, 2003

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