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damn kids

A word used to describe the kids who make life worse for you.
Usually yelled toward kids when they annoy you.

Old hag: damn kids with your skateboards and cuss words

Man: you damn kids get off my lawn

by Tdowns May 25, 2007

61👍 9👎

damn kids

those damn kids discombobulatin me and such , with them technologies and skateboards

damn kids get of god damn lawn

by sadfweafpodffspsdkfds September 8, 2007

5👍 14👎

shit-damn kid

1. A kid who is a good kid (nerd) trying to be a badass.
2. A kid who says shit and damn all the time.

1. "Neil Goldman from family guy is such a shit-damn kid."

2. "Uhhh could you please stop saying shit and damn so much, you shit-damn kid."

by hannah virgie April 9, 2009

1👍 3👎