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the biggest little redneck town in wisconsin

desoto has 4 bars on main street

by tuna April 11, 2003

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the desoto

The act of being gay

We all new he was the desoto.

by The hmaster January 3, 2018

desoto jones

Kick ass band that everyone has heard but just didn't know it. As heard on MTV and multiple other medium. The guys in the band are great people who only slang top flight broads. I once defeated the bass player in NCAA Football 95 on a last minute 85 yard half back option run.

Hey are those the guys in Desoto Jones? I heard they know K-Baugh

by Baugh316 May 29, 2009

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desoto jones

5 stunning gentlemen who make cool sounds come out of musical instruments or a mouth. They live in New Jerzay.

Did you see Desoto Jones?
Yes, and my shoes fell off

by Desoto Jones August 28, 2006

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Desoto Mall

A mall infested with black people and mexicans.

I got molested the other day by a mexican at Desoto Mall.

by Liz December 27, 2005

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When your bang your girlfriend, her mom, her grandma, and her step-mother all in one night

-Man you look tired.
*Yeah, I pulled the DeSoto Destroyer last night, I can barely keep my eyes open.
-Wow, you got all Four?
*It was a marathon

by Jdski August 28, 2020

Desoto Mall

This is a mall where all the black and mexicans hang out at, like Liz said above me----^

This mall is located near Bradenton, Florida, which is just south of Tampa Bay.

"I was shot up and molested at The Desoto Mall, and managed to steal all the jewelry at the store!"

by Jesus Christ, Super Star April 23, 2005

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