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A dope shawty.

"man look at derty yo"
damn dertyz fine

by Mo May 29, 2004

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A term used in place of bro, brochahco, brah, dude, man and so much more. Usually used when person wants to be hip, cool, unique, and a trend setter.

Person 1 : "Hey can you grab me my toothbrush?"

Person 2 : "Oh yeah, fer sure dertie!!!"

Person 1 : "Dertie?...Oh you're so trendy!!!"

by smallneckedgiraffe March 17, 2011

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The Derty

1.The many acts of nasty adultery with multiple women in frequent occurance.

2.Lifestyle in which you embody and practice the aforementioned daily.

After much consideration, pulling The Derty seems like the optimal choice.

by Sleaz-E March 5, 2011


1a. a crooked ass cop who steals
1b. place's evidance againgst you to frame you,

Watch out the derties are coming this way.

by phile1.scla May 20, 2003

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A word you use to describe a good friend. Just like calling someone dude or homie.

Hey what's up, dertie?

by captainplanet69 May 26, 2011

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derty harry

old alias of Proof from D12, probably one of the best groups in rap history, RIP BUGZ

Deshaun Holton = Proof = Derty Harry

by KonArtis September 12, 2004

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derty d

Some refer to the Derty D as dundalk, a true derty would kno that its not a place it's a state of mind.

A true derty will kno of the meaning of derty d

by Derrik April 24, 2005

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