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Dick Dollar

A dollar bill used to measure ones dick, usually in the presence of a curious girl. (a dollar bill is 6 inches)

She wanted an accurate length so I pulled out a dollar and measured for her. Then later steve wanted to borrow a dollar, and hes an asshole, so I loaned him my dick dollar.

by JoshMarshall April 18, 2010

21👍 2👎

Dick Dollars

Created by vigorously and violently rubbing your junk on money.

Don got pissed when he lost at cards so he turned the pot into dick dollars by pulling his junk out and rubbing it all over the money on the table.

by Turnitupto11 March 9, 2016

1👍 1👎

whiskey-dicked dollar

When a bill is too limp to be accepted by a jukebox or change machine.

Q: Hey, did you get change for the pool table?
A: I tried, but the only money I had was this whiskey-dicked dollar.

by baby sea tuna December 28, 2007

22👍 8👎

dollar dick

When wrapping a dollar around a penis to measure girth, a dollar dick is so thick that the ends of the dollar do not touch.

Allison: "Yo, do you know Victor?"
Erin: "Yeah, the guy you got with last night?"
Allison: "You know he has a dollar dick?"
Erin: "Must have been girthy"
Allison: "Yup, it was great. Less painful than I thought"

by kiddielover69 March 27, 2017

Dollar Dick Burrito

A method for hiding your money around your dick. Wrap your money around your dick as if you are making a burrito and the money is the tortilla and the dick is the meat. Then wrap a rubber band around it to make sure it stays in place. Then there is your Dollar Dick Burrito!!

Person 1: Where are you getting all that money from?
Person 2: My dick!
Person 1: What?!
Person 2: I'm using the Dollar Dick Burrito method. You should try it. Definitely keeps your money safe!

by thatgirl2015 May 7, 2015

5👍 1👎

Dicks on the dollar

Not a lot of money for the job, one might as well put dicks on the dollars.

I made dicks on the dollar for that job...

by Thatguyorsomething March 24, 2023