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Dicks In My Dick

This under-utilized phrase is an exclamitory reaction to a surprising tidbit of news. Similar to the phrase "Tits in my ass," "Dicks in my dick" is essentially upping the ante to improbable heights, thus describing the utter shock, disbelief, or outright joy that the one uttering this phrase may have concerning the current situation. While this phrase may sound innately homoerotic, the phrase essentially stems from the improbability of actually having a penis lodged within another, thus creating the initial surprise.

Person 1: "Tits in my ass, I just scored awesome seats to the Slayer concert!"
Person 2: "That's sick man, did you manage to get one for me too?"
Person 1: "Hell yeah man, of course."
Person 2: "Dicks in my dick! I can't wait!"

by Meow Meow Squick August 12, 2010

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your dick is my dick

A phrase used to express happiness for a friend’s good fortune, commonly used to refer to one’s success in sexual endeavors

Dude, I finally slept with Jessica.

Aw, man that’s great. Your dick is my dick bro.

by Turtle Tamer October 15, 2018

Yo Dick My Dick

A game that can only be played by 2 or more kids with parental supervision, inside of a grocery store.

When the family goes down the produce aisle, and one of the kids grab 2 food items, turns to the other kid and yells, “YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dick...,” and whips out the small item, then yells “MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dick...,” and whips out the big item.

This continues until the parent is so embarrassed and angry, that the first kid to get grounded or beaten in the store wins.

“Hey Sterling! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dick...” (pulls out a grain of rice)

“MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dick...” (pulls out an eggplant)

Mom: “Are you guys playing Yo Dick My Dick again?”

by Tretiak! December 1, 2019

to put one's dick in that/ put my dick in that

A non-literal phrasal verb declaring oneself to be supportive of and in agreement to another's idea, suggestion or recommendation. More common among males but also heard by the few females that know how to relax, not be prudish and accept that it probably is a really good time to have a dick to put in things.

(to put one's dick in that/ put my dick in that)

"Bruh, that storm last night brought 18 inches of fresh pow up at Solitude! Should we strap on the boards and go shred the gnar!?"

"Oh yipee! I'll put my dick in that! Just remember, no friends on powder days. I'll be there, you just worry about keeping up bruh."

by palavradaurbana June 2, 2020